Half term week! I have loved having all 3 kids home together this week and we have made the most of family time with Chris having a day off too!
Day 42: Chris and I went to our first wedding fair to get some ideas and drink champagne!
Day 43: Chris had the day off so we took the kids swimming for the first time. Matthew said it was the best day of the year so far. Zach screamed for about 15 minutes but then realised it was great fun.
Day 44: their first trip to the dentist. I am a former dental nurse so check their teeth every week but I was concerned as Matt is nearly 8 and hasn’t lost any teeth yet! No problems found, phew!
Day 45: a little bit of romance for Valentines Day with jam heart tarts.
Day 46: a trip to the playground was cancelled due to the rain so we headed home and played with these Fuzzikins instead.
Day 47: the opening of the new Jessops store in Didcot and I was really proud of how well the children behaved (bribery with non stop cake…)
Day 48: time to relax with cousins! Pudding was popular 🙂