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#Project365 2019 week 26

Day 174: back home from the wedding and I had a little romantic gesture from Chris (also an apology as he’d locked us out of the house!) Note the vase…

Day 175: Matt headed off to Stubbington on a residential trip for the week! My baby!

Day 176: vegan meringues (see the recipe) is totally ok for breakfast, right?!

Day 177: girly pamper time with some makeup. Anya’s getting quite good at applying it

Day 178: good news, the bed guard works. Bad news, we might need 2 to cover the whole bed as someone is quite wriggly. Try to ignore the plastic poo on the floor!

Day 179: he’s home! Matthew had a marvellous week, yay!

Day 180: blimey, it’s hot! Time for a waterfight!


  1. You can’t beat a waterfight on a hot day! I’m so glad you told us the poo on the floor was plastic. It’s good to hear that Matthew had a good time on his residential. That’s a long time to be away at his age.

  2. Yay for water fights, love your swimming costume. Glad he had a good time away they grow up so quick don’t they! Glad the bed guard worked. Kipper has a bit of a thing about poo at the moment and I am wondering if it maybe time to potty train! Finally xx

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