
My very own website!!! Yikes!

#Project365 2019 week 49

Day 335: first day of December so Christmas is allowed to start!

Day 336: reliving my childhood with some games from the 80s (anyone able to tell what it is?)


Day 337: Mum and I went to a social event at Zach’s preschool to make our own wreaths: it was much trickier than I imagined!


Day 338: sorry for all the pictures of me this week! Chris and I had a day out alone in Winchester I lit a candle in the cathedral in remembrance of my grandmother who died last week. My thoughts were also with my other grandmother who set her coat on fire lighting a candle in the same cathedral in the early 1990s.

Day 339: my first PTA event since becoming secretary. Frantic refreshments for a reading evening!


Day 340: cheating with this pic as I convinced Chris to go out in the cold for the annual sleigh run with the Beavers so he took the photo


Day 341: another PTA event, for the infants this time. Anya and I ran the children’s tombola for an hour then it was tie for the Year 2s to sing on stage


  1. So sorry to hear about your grandmother. I had to chuckle at your other grandmother though. I hope she wasn’t hurt in the incident! Don’t you and your mum look alike? What a lovely photo of Anya and the sleigh.
    I use photos my husband and kids have taken from time to time too – I don’t see it as ‘cheating’, they’re my family’s photos and my blog is my family blog!

  2. It looks like the kids were having fun decorating the tree.
    That game from the 80’s is Manic Miner isn’t it?
    Your wreaths look fab!
    I love all the photos of you. It’s nice to see the person behind the blog.
    It sounds like the PTA is keeping you busy x

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