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#Project365 2019 week 50

Day 342: a beautiful bracelet from Sand and Seagulls, ready to kickstart my eco friendly journey by helping me to focus on the beauty of nature

Day 343: cold and frosty morning on the school run. Can you see my panda toes peeping out?

Day 344: a sad and emotional day for my grandmother’s funeral. I cried more than I imagined I would and am still struggling at the moment.

Day 345: a happy surprise of a raffle win (this is the smallest of the 3 hampers that were up for grabs but what a haul!)

Day 346: my work Christmas lunch, it was lovely to spend time together socially but my meal was a bit underwhelming

Day 347: Zach was a king in his nativity. Again, my emotions are a bit overwhelmed as this is the last preschool nativity that will feature one of my kids so it feels like the end of an era…

Day 348: Chris and Dad’s birthdays


  1. So sorry to hear that your grandmother’s funeral hit you harder than expected. It’s never easy to lose someone, even when they are quite old. What a lovely photo of Zach. That is a very underwhelming Christmas lunch! As a vegetarian, I feel your pain. Have been served far too many meals like this over the years.

  2. Happy belated birthday to both of them.
    You have a right to be feeling sad about your grandmother, sending hugs.
    End of eras happen through their lives and every one makes you that little bit sadder about the loss of their childhood.

  3. So sorry to hear about your grandmother, so hard to say these goodbyes. Glad you had something nice to look forward to with dad and Chris’s birthdays. I remember the nativity plays well, but glad I’m no longer involved with them, too stressful

  4. Sorry to hear about your grandma, it’s always tough to say Good bye to someone you love.
    Sand & seagull bracelet looks very pretty. Well done on your lovely raffle win, that’s a nice haul!
    Yep, your meal does look rather meh, I’d be cross with such an unimaginative Christmas meal.

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