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#Project365 2019 week52

Day 356: Zach is obsessed with Christmas carols so we went to the carol service. Of course, Zach wouldn’t sit for a photo but my well behaved older two would!

Day 357: more singing, this time from my Anna duo. Dad is more entertained by the Rubiks cube which he is determined to solve!

Day 358: Christmas Eve and the Christingle service followed by a walk around the local roads to see the light displays.


Day 359: Happy Christmas Day!

Day 360: Boxing Day and time to plant a tree! Matthew was sent home with a tree from school so once the weather was finally dry enough to get outside we potted it up. No idea what it will be…

Day 361: time with cousins


Day 362: chilled out Saturday and our first experience of harem pants, not sure Anya has it quite right 😀



Everyone is doing their own thing for the end of the year: some #365ers are going to extend this week to include the final days of the year while I have decided to finish the year and start the new one next week.


  1. Lol @ the harem pants. Love your Anna duo, they look adorable together. Good luck to Dad with the Rubik’s cube, I find them too difficult to solve, once they’re messed up. Hope it’s a nice tree, like a fruit tree, and not some random one. Don’t think I would have space for an extra tree in our garden.
    Wishing you a happy new year!

  2. Looks like you had a really good Christmas, hope your Dad gets the Rubik cube worked out. How lovely to be given a tree by the school to plant, will be interesting to see what it is as it grows. Happy New Year to you all.

  3. It looks like a great week and a wonderful Christmas.
    Good luck with Matthew’s tree. It will be interesting to see what it grows into.
    Carpet picnics are the best!
    Wishing you all the best for 2020 x

  4. That harem pants photo made me lol. Looks like Christmas week was a good one. Love a carpet picnic – it’s great when children can get together with their cousins. Happy new year

  5. The harem pants pic is brilliant.
    trying to get more than 1 child in a picture looking the right way with a normal look on their face is difficult.
    cousin time looks fun.
    oohhh with the tree will be interesting to see what it becomes

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