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#Project365 week 21

Day 139: enjoying the sunshine and having wheelbarrow races in the garden.


Day 140: all day avoiding spoilers on social media, time to settle down with wine and snacks for the Game of Thrones final


Day 141: I was tired after the emotional rollercoaster of GoT but Zach was the last one sleeping in the morning (in my bed 🙁 )

Day 142: a lot of nagging from my older two resulted in a quick bike ride by the river after school

Day 143: a meal out on a weeknight 😀 at The Odyssey in Winchester

Day 144: an absolutely manic day workwise but still some time to watch the live stream from the bird box in the school


Day 145: a family get together to see my grandmother in Gloucester, starting with a quick stroll along the canal with my mum and dad



  1. I don’t know how people managed to avoid the spoilers all day for GOT. I had to watch it as soon as I got the kids off to school. hehehe
    What a gorgeous evening for a bike ride. x

  2. Busy week! Hope the family do went well and I can see the family resembalance. That pizza looks very yummy and what a lovely evening for a bike ride. Hope you have been enjoying half term xx

  3. Looks like fantastic weather with you all across the UK, lovely to spend time with the family, I’ll let you know when i’m in Gloucester next and maybe we can coordinate

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