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#Project365 2021 week 14

Day 94: our Easter tradition of decorating eggs

Day 95: a cold walk and by the end it was hail stones. Then at lunchtime it snowed!

Day 96: spotted the first ducklings at the lake, even my parents and the ranger hadn’t seen them yet!


Day 97: I took a break from jogging over winter but had it in my head that I’d get back to it in April when it gets warmer. Wasn’t expecting the temperature to be below zero!

Day 98: I bought Pop Up Pirate recently and it has been an instant hit!

Day 99: pretty happy with my picture of a heron from our daily walk

Day 100: birthday boy! Zach is 5 today!


  1. The decorated eggs look fab and the ducklings look very cute.
    The weather has been very un-spring like. This time last year it was roasting. lol
    Happy birthday Zach. I hope he had a fab day x

  2. Love the decorated eggs. We have done them lots too.

    We had a Heron in our garden this week for the first ever time. I didn’t know what it was even. You did well getting a pic, ours flew away soon as it saw me!

  3. Happy birthday to Zach! He looks very happy with his presents. The pirate game was a big hit here too. Beautiful photo of the heron!
    The decorated eggs made me smile. The weather has been so bizarre, changing from hot to cold in one day.

  4. Looks like it was a lovely week. We also had snow here which was rather odd.
    We have a heron and a female on our local pond, they are fun to watch, we think they are nesting. I am also starting back with some gentle running now winter is over. Wish me luck

  5. I love your Easter tradition decorating eggs! They look fab and bet the kids enjoyed the activity. Awww how lovely to see so many ducklings. Think that mum duck will have her work cut out with that many! The heron picture is amazing! Hope Zach had a fantastic birthday!

  6. Ahhh Happy Birthday Zach. He looks very happy with his gifts. Oh I would be so pleased with that heron picture too it’s brilliant well done. Glad the cold weather has gone away, could have done without the snow over Easter!

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