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#Project365 2021 week 34

Day 234: what better way to end Sunday lunch than with a crumble using blackberries the children picked in our garden. Also a bit of a miracle that any survived the sword assaults from Matthew over the last few months 🙂

Day 235: the cygnets are huge! We were a bit traumatised as one of the parents went off to attack and possibly drown another swan while this photo was taken 🙁



Day 236: I have a new favourite product: Moskinto to soothe bug bites. This year has been unbelievable in terms of how many mosquitos have been around and we’ve all been getting bites everyday. These patches worked so well to stop the itching.



Day 237: we’ve been indoors a lot due to the bugs so summer has sort of bypassed us! Walking near our house today I spotted these gorgeous sunflowers

Day 238: exploring Rochester and peeking at the cathedral from the castle

Day 239: a day out in Dymchurch for my MIL’s birthday. We went along to the beach without swimwear as we thought it would be too cold…it wasn’t and they all were wet from head to toe very quickly!

Day 240: learning about the Battle of Hastings on our trip to the battlefield and abbey



  1. That’s spooky, N was only asking about Hastings today and where it is. Nice to have a warm day at the beach. Most days here this week have been quite chilly until later in the day. I can’t wait for blackberries to ripen – the ones round here are a long way off still.

  2. The blackberry crumble looks so good.
    What a drama when you saw the cygnets. I hope they are all OK.
    The sunflowers really are gorgeous. They are such a cheerful flower.
    It looks like a fun trip to the beach.

  3. That crumble looks yummy. Lovely photo of the swan and the cygnets – the swan attacking another swan is not so lovely though. Love the photo of your children looking at Rochester Cathedral from the castle. Looks like you had fun at the beach and at Battle. #project365

  4. Pingback: #Project365 2021 week 35 - loopyloulaura

  5. Love the blackberry crumble, haven’t done it recenty, as we haven’t done any pick-your-own. Great photo with the archer and Anya mid-jump.
    I haven’t heard of Moskinto, will check it out, as my skin is very sensitive to bites. Looks like you had a great time on the beach and visiting the castle.

  6. Love the blackberry crumble, haven’t done it recenty, as we haven’t done any pick-your-own. Great photo with the archer and Anya mid-jump.
    I haven’t heard of Moskinto, will check it out, as my skin is very sensitive to bites. Looks like you had a great time on the beach and visiting the castle.

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