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#Project365 2021 week 5

Day 31: the government have now introduced voluntary asymptomatic covid testing into schools. So twice a week I need to attack my nose and throat, yay! Negative results, phew…

Day 32: supposed to be relaxing with a book at the end of the day but Spiderman joined us for some madness instead!

Day 33: energy levels have been low for all of us so I have reinstated daily Joe Wicks instead of just at weekends.

Day 34: I’m quite proud of Matthew’s William Morris inspired artwork (this is what he started last week in day 27)

Day 35: one happy chappy with a darksaber that he has wanted since watching The Mandalorian…

Day 36: …and Anya got the huge box. First she said it was a coffin (horrified me!) then thankfully changed it to a bed
Day 37: out of the house at 8.30 to enjoy a foggy walk and some very muddy puddles.



  1. It’s been so foggy here the latter part of the week. You guys are so good doing Joe Wicks. We didn’t even make it through 1 session. N got bored, and it killed me. Love the William Morris art – very effective.

  2. The tests are so uncomfortable I admire anyone who is doing it so regularly. We have local testing in place and I send Darren there every two weeks at the moment. We haven’t got much motivation to move at the moment either. I don’t think I could do Joe Wicks every day though. I think I only lasted two days in the first lockdown! Loving the darksaber #365

  3. Matthews artwork is really good. Hope the school were pleased with it. I think I would also be horrified by the big box becoming a coffin, a bed is a much better option. Yay for stopping in muddy puddles it is the only thing that is keeping us sane at the moment.

  4. Oh, I don’t think I could do the covid test in my throat, I have a very bad gag reflex, even a toothbrush often makes me gag. Always had this problem.
    Very cute Spiderman you have! Great darksabre too. Big well done to Matthew for his art project, it’s very neat and pretty.
    We don’t do Joe Wicks, instead I take E walking daily, but it looks like great fun for kids.
    Fab foggy walk!

  5. I am glad the box changed into a bed! Much nicer. Well done going back to Joe Wicks each day! I really should do it more often, it always feels like we get a good workout. I really love the artwork. I hope the tests aren’t too uncomfortable for you.

  6. Don’t be frightened by Anya saying her box was a coffin, with so much talk of death in the media with covid, it’s not surprising, but it’s also natural for her to explore this subject. I kept meaning to join in with Joe Wickes but just never got motivated so well done for sticking with it for so long.

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