Day 31: the government have now introduced voluntary asymptomatic covid testing into schools. So twice a week I need to attack my nose and throat, yay! Negative results, phew…
Day 32: supposed to be relaxing with a book at the end of the day but Spiderman joined us for some madness instead!
Day 33: energy levels have been low for all of us so I have reinstated daily Joe Wicks instead of just at weekends.
Day 34: I’m quite proud of Matthew’s William Morris inspired artwork (this is what he started last week in day 27)
Day 35: one happy chappy with a darksaber that he has wanted since watching The Mandalorian…
Day 36: …and Anya got the huge box. First she said it was a coffin (horrified me!) then thankfully changed it to a bed
Day 37: out of the house at 8.30 to enjoy a foggy walk and some very muddy puddles.