
My very own website!!! Yikes!

#Project365 2023 week 25

Day 169: an afternoon selling raffle tickets for the junior school PTA

Day 170: oops, 3 more guinea pigs… met Ash, Caramel and Scarlet (l-r)

Day 171: replace souris with cochons d’Inde and it’s accurate!

Day 172: exam time is over so more time for me and that means cooking!

Day 173: after 3 years, my running trainers have given up the ghost so I bought some purple replacements! Actually I felt really sad about saying goodbye to my old shoes. They have seen me through every run and represent a major change in perspective and life choice. But, these are purple!

Day 174: I have completed 2983 miles since getting a Fitbit!

Day 175 : a father’s day cook out at Beavers (a week late due to the Go Ape trip last week). Chris sacrificed his marshmallow for the greater good but was rewarded with an extra hotdog!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. You have a right little menagerie now. Nice colour trainers. I’m in the PTSA for N’s school, but apart from pre Christmas, I can’t make any of the events to help out.

  2. I hope you did well selling the raffle tickets.
    Aww! The guinea pigs are adorable. Your home is becoming quite the zoo now with all of the animals. hehehe
    I love your new trainers, my favourite colour too. x

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