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#Project365 2023 week 29

Day 197: soft play craziness
Day 198: the weekend disappeared so quickly but we found time to relax in the garden and spotted this fab beetle
Day 199: my first gift was some gorgeous roses and a lovely message from the teacher who taught all of my kids at some point
Day 200: Proud mum alert as Matthew was selected for an award. We didn’t find out until the presentation that it was for English achievement which was a lovely surprise

Day 201: diva ready for her disco
Day 202: lots of tears at Zach’s leavers’ assembly but then joy at the disco later
Day 203: so that’s it, the last day of school for these wonderful kids who make me so proud! Zach and I waved goodbye to the infant school that has been part of my life for the last 37 years since I was there myself 🙁


  1. Eek! That is a big beetle!
    Well done to Matthew with the award and Anya is looking so grown up, ready for the disco.
    Aww! The last day of school is so exciting but sad at the same time. Have a great summer. x

  2. Wow, that’s a long time of involvement with a school. Ours would have been longer if N had gone to the catchment secondary as both the OH and I went there.

  3. Soft play is always a bit crazy isn’t it! haha. Not sure I miss going to those places. Although they always seem to make children very happy! Congratulations on your award Matthew, well done you! It’s so sweet they make a fuss of their leavers, hope Zach enjoys his next school.

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