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#Project365 2023 week 35

Day 239: all 7 guinea pigs in one pic (sorry the pointers are so small)
Day 240: happy birthday Grandma and happy trip to the beach!
Day 241: finally our anniversary shed was constructed! Sadly I couldn’t help as I had one of my infamous 24 hour colds 🙁
Day 242: completely better apart from one sneeze!
Day 243: a sleepover and bright start with the cousins!
Day 244: oops, no pics taken today!
Day 245: mixed feelings this morning as the term started and my colleagues went back without me. I did a quick run, cat sitting visit and went to 2 supermarkets before 9am!


  1. This summer holiday seems to have gone by so fast. Glad you got over your cold fast, N’s has been hanging on a while, we can’t work out whether it’s hayfever or a cold. Nice to get the shed up – is it filled already?

  2. Wow I didn’t realize you had so many guinea pigs! I love their names. My friend has four. Good company for them having so many buddies. Glad your feeling better, I am impressed with how quickly you recover from colds. Gosh you were very busy doing all that before 9am!

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