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#Project365 2023 week 37

Day 253: seriously fed up with this heatwave. So uncomfortable, day and night. Come on autumn, where are you?!

Day 254: Anya enjoyed a pre-birthday shopping trip with her friends.

Day 255: finally a pic of all three kids together in their uniforms!

Day 256: balancing the disappointing flavour and texture of vegan cheese with the rich flavour of tomatoes from our own garden, mmmmmm!

Day 257: doctor appointment for Zach. I had been worried that he might need an op but he’s fine, phew!

Day 258: my morning runs are getting later and later as I need to wait for the sun to rise before heading out!

Day 259: my boys waiting patiently for something, but not sure what as they’d both had lunch and a walk!


  1. I keep thinking I am fed up with the heat and then we have a chilly, grey day and I am wishing for it back. lol
    The kids look very smart in their uniforms and they’re growing up fast.
    That’s great that everything went OK at the doctors for Zach. x

  2. Oh your dogs are so cute. It’s been much cooler here this week. I’ve got my blanket out for sitting at my desk, and been sitting under one in the evenings. How grown up for Anya having a girly shopping trip.

  3. Fab photo of the three of them in their uniforms. Hope your daughter enjoyed her shopping trip, how fun! The dogs are so cute, love seeing pictures of them. My eldest dog always wants something, she is nine now so I think she forgets she has had a treat and tries to get more. Vegan cheese is a bit disappointing isn’t it. Let me know if you find a good one.

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