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#Project366 2020 week 17

Day 110: learning life skills! Threading a needle, tying a knot and darning socks!

Day 111: Candylocks dolls have been joined by Candylocks pets

Day 112: Matthew invented his own Lego board game (well, actually he made two and they were very detailed/complicated!)

Day 113: newly hatched ducklings at the local pond on our daily walk

Day 114: time to join the Scouts national campaign to #HikeToTheMoon

Day 115: it was supposed to be bedtime but instead of her nightie, Anya became Mysterious Girl (cue Peter Andre in your head!)

Day 116: can you spot the heron? We believe it is responsible for catching all of the frogs in Mum and Dad’s pond. Magnificent bird and love seeing it in flight


  1. Lovely photos of the ducks and heron. My daughter is a Scout and they’ve been very good at keeping us informed of what’s going on in Scouting, but they didn’t tell us about the #HiketotheMoon. We were surprised to see it on TV the other day.

  2. Well done for teaching darning – a valuable life skill which may lead on to greater things. Maybe she’d like to try cross stitch or making a bag or something next? That’s a great idea actually – I should try it with my kids! Lovely to see the heron and the ducklings. Life goes on !

  3. Those dolls look like they are fun, been a long time since I bought kids toys to know what is available. Well done with the sewing and I love Anya’s choice of sleepwear and thank you for the ear worm ‘material girl’ lol

  4. I am teaching both my kids to sew. It’s a very good skill to learn. We also have ducklings on our local pond and have been to socially distance visit them!

  5. Love the idea of the lego board games. Oh the ducklings are so cute I wish there was water near us on our daily walk. Heron are beautiful but quite destructive I think. Love the life skills teaching.

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