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#Project366 2020 week 23

Day 152: playing to win! Zach absolutely thrashed me at Monopoly Junior

Day 153: at last we were able to visit my parents and spent an hour in the garden with them. My parents had got out the swingball that my sister and I played with as children and the kids loved it!

Day 154: some of the work the kids completed this week based on the SpaceX rocket launch

Day 155: starting the day once again with an energy boost courtesy of the brilliant PE with Joe

Day 156: a little bit of pampering for me. Working on Anya’s fine motor skills, surely?!

Day 157: cross stitch update. Anne Boleyn is finished and Jane Seymour is now under way

Day 158: reading together is so important and we were sent two new Uh Oh Milo books for teaching social skills



  1. I totally agree and can’t think of a better way to teach fine motor skills, lol. how lovely to meet up with your parents, hope the kids understood the no hugging etc and were ok with it all

  2. I totally agree and can’t think of a better way to teach fine motor skills. That is lovely to meet up with your parents. It is hard for little kids not to hug though isn’t it? x

  3. a lot of fine detail in your cross stitching, love it.
    Glad you all enjoyed a visit to the parents. This is where having three out of four of us females working for the NHS and having one grandchild shielding is a pain in the butt.
    Looks a nice way to start the school day.

  4. We have loved playing Monopoly during lockdown, we have a few different versions – great family game to play! So glad you got to visit your parents and how lovely they still have the swingball set you used to play with! My grandparents had one and I loved it as a child! Hope you have all had a lovely week! Sim x

  5. Love the photo of the kids playing swingball – I used to love that as a child too. How lovely to have your toe nails painted by Anya – definitely good fine motor skills practice. Love the finished Anne Boleyn cross-stitch and look forward to seeing the Jane Seymour one when it’s finished too. #project366

  6. How lovely you got to visit your parents. We saw my in laws this weekend and it meant so much to all of us. I think all mums need some pampering every now and again. You will have a great collection of cross stitch soon, can’t wait to see them all together

  7. Love to see how your Tudor project embroidery is progressing. Monopoly is great fun, my younger son enjoys it a lot. There’s some very neat handwriting.
    The toys around the TV made me smile, glad we’re not the only family, where the toys take over the house. The swingball looks great.

  8. Well done you, we only managed Joe Wicks once, I should really try again! It certainly felt like a decent workout. Glad you got to spend some time with your parents, fingers crossed for more nice weather so it can be a regular thing.

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