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#Project366 2020 week 25

Day 166: VERY important life lesson: making a cuppa!

Day 167: Anya’s school work was centred around physical and human geography so we walked around our local area to identify features. Plus we spotted these goslings on the river.

Day 168: it has been ages since any of the kids lost any teeth! This one surprised us when Matt bit into an apple!

Day 169: progress has been slow on my cross stitch due to the use of metallic thread on the sleeves and skirt: I have to work short lengths as it frays so easily. Annoyed that you can’t even tell it is gold from the pic!

Day 170: getting the Wrong Trousers on to take pics for a charity

Day 171: that Friday feeling! This is the face of a woman who has just finished her third and final run of week 1 of Couch to 5k. It hasn’t been easy due to my asthma but I am so chuffed!

Day 172: waffle time! Gluten free and vegan, quite impressed for my first attempt!



  1. I hope Matthew is making you plenty of cups of tea now. hehehe
    It looks like a lovely place for a walk. What a treat to see some goslnigs.
    It looks like you had fun in the wrong trousers.
    Well done with your running x

  2. Cuppa sounds interesting. The goslings look pretty. Awww cute little tooth. Yeah, the thread looks brown but the cross stitch looks great. Wrong Trousers day looks like fun! You look gorgeous in your selfie. The waffles look delicious; I want some!

  3. Learning how to make a cup of tea, especially a good one is one of the most important life lessons! I hope it was a cracking brew! 🙂
    The Wrong Trousers image is awesome, such a fun thing to do for charity – totally reminded me of Wallace and Gromit! 🙂
    Hope you are all having a lovely week! Sim x

  4. Learning how to make a cuppa is definitely a very important life lesson. Sophie can make me toast but our hob kettle is a little heavy for her. Metallic thread is so frustrating to work with – I’ve used it in making costumes and it is a pain for fraying. Hope the tooth fairy paid Matt a visit. Love the Wrong Trousers photo. Those waffles look delicious. #project366

  5. Wow, the waffles look fantastic – well done ! Well done on teaching the kids to make tea too – great news! The Wrong Trousers looks fun and the walk looking for geographical features sounds interesting too. You look suitably proud of your running efforts – go you ! Ahh we haven’t had the tooth fairy for ages now. Cross stitching looks great – I bet the gold thread looks really impressive 🙂

  6. Oh yes, learning how to make a cuppa is essential in life. Love your cross stitch, Jane Seymour is immediately recognisable from her outfit.
    The waffles look tasty. The wrong trousers picture made me smile. Well done on the 5k run!

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