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#Project366 2020 week 36

Day 243: back home from Dymchurch and Zach is relaxing with Granny Franny’s Big Red Bus book

Day 244: time with cousins at last!

Day 245: very strange to just run rather than following the Couch to 5k

Day 246: last day of the holidays for me and we went to Run About in Farnborough

Day 247: new job! Two days of INSET in my new role as a teaching assiatant. I was so nervous as it’s been over 10 years since I left to go on maternity leave with Matthew.

Day 248: cross stitch update with a completed Catherine Howard. No idea when I’ll get to finish the next one with pesky work getting in the way!


Day 249: final trip of the summer and I was soooo excited to visit Hever Castle (plus it is the last thing on our summer bucket list!)



  1. Oooh scary times with a new job, especially with all the COVID rules put in place ! You’ll be fine 🙂 Do you know which level you’ll be working with? Hever Castle looks great – I think I went there when I was a kid but I don’t really remember it ! Well done on keeping up the running !

  2. Hope the new job is going well. I feel like we’ve not been out to visit anywhere for months, so really should make the effort to do something soon. Not much chance of that at weekends at the moment with tennis back on.

  3. Hope the new job is not as scary as you think. Hever castle is beautiful, I visited it many years ago, when I was a student, and remember that trip with fondness. Great place to visit, and such history too! Your Catherine Howard is gorgeous, hope you’ll find time to finish the project.

  4. Cute book. I hope your kids had fun with their cousins. Cool playground. OoOo Congrats on your new job! I bet you’ll be great at it. Cross stitch is awesome as always. Hever Castle looks amazing, although not as amazing as your kids’ poses

  5. Love the photo of the children with their cousins – how lovely to have that time together. Love the finished Catherine Howard and will look forward to seeing how Catherine Parr progresses. Hope you had a lovely day out at Hever Castle – it’s on my mental list of places to visit at some point. Good luck with your new job. #project366

  6. Well done for getting everything ticked off your Summer bucket list! I would love to visit Hever soon. Hope the new job is going well I am sure it will all come flooding back. I have to set time aside to do craft bits for me or it doesn’t happen!!

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