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#Project366 2020 week 37

Day 250: a bright sunrise on my run

Day 251: …and they’re back at school! Anya had to wear PE kit for her first day in Year 3 while Matthew was in normal uniform.
Sneaky extra picture of Zach at his first stay and play session for Year R: these are usually held before the summer holidays but due to Covid was postponed until this week

Day 252: day 2 and this time Matt was in PE kit while Anya was in normal uniform including a tie for the first time! The day didn’t go to plan with Matthew being sent home with a cold 🙁



Day 253: a day off school for Matt to get better so me and Anya were alone on the school run. My new job is going well but I am soooo tired plus had done two hours of governor training the night before, plus had a raging sore throat, oh the joy!

Day 254: finally both of them in uniform!

Day 255: another first this week with Matthew walking to school by himself (with a friend)

Day 256: celebrating an eventful first week back with a curry!


  1. What a beautiful sunrise. I am seeing more of them now the kids are back at school.
    The kids look very smart for school. How exciting for Matthew to be walking to school by himself. Zach looks very happy to be going for his stay and play session too.
    It sounds like a good week apart from Matthew having a cold and your sore throat. I hope you’re feeling better now x

  2. That curry looks good. So different how schools are treating colds. N was off on Friday for tonsillitis, one kid stayed off for the first 2 days of school because he had a cold, but evidently another was in class coughing all day with a cold. I think that’s where N’s started, and I’m like you, had a bit of a sore throat. Hope you’re both feeling better now.

  3. That sunrise is pretty. It’s strange having the kids go in to school in PE kit on some days – I’m still getting used to that one. Glad that Matthew was feeling better after a couple of days at home and hope you are feeling better too. Well done to Matthew on his first walk to school just with a friend. #project366

  4. What a gorgeous sunrise. We have casual uniform at primary all day every day so they can do pe at any time outdoors. It does make sense. Well done to Matthew on walking with a friend xxx

  5. Yay for back to school. Although I am already confused by when they wear PE kit and when they don’t. We had a long run in with the stay and play sessions and half days… Hope the governor training is going well x

  6. What a beautiful sunrise! My younger one now goes to school in his PE kit twice a week as well. Hope Matthew’s cold is over, and your throat is better too. Well done to Matthew for walking to school on his own.

  7. Awww growing up quick with firsts like walking to school with a friend! They both look very smart in their uniforms. Hope they have settled in well, shame a cold meant a missed day. Everyone is being so careful!

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