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#Project366 2020 week 45

Day 306: finished! Six wives of Henry VIII completed so now I have to think if I am going to display them or if they will join 25 years worth of other stitching and get packed away

Day 307: I had an INSET day while the kids enjoyed one last day off. You may recall that we had a photo shoot in August and thanks to a review opportunity from Asda Photo I had this lovely canvas made.

Day 308: back to school reality for the kids. Time to look for seasonal changes on the way

Day 309; final day before lockdown 2 and we were able to celebrate Mum’s 65th birthday. I felt a lump in my throat saying goodbye to Mum and Dad but hoping that this second lockdwown keeps us all safe and allows us to have a normalish Christmas

Day 310: foggy start to the day!

Day 311: picture the scene. 5 minutes before we are due to leave and I call the kids to get their coats and shoes on. Anya comes down with a cylinder brush stuck in her fringe all the way to the roots. I had to abandon her to Chris so that I could get to work and he managed to tease it out. Luckily she wasn’t too late for school! I had visions of having to cut it…

Day 312: talking of cuts! Just like with the last lockdown, the boys were scheduled to have their hair cut but couldn’t get to the hairdresser in time. Chris got his clippers out and they look smart again



  1. Well done with the stiching! The wives look fantastic. I really need to get back into my cross stitch.
    What a beautiful canvas!
    Happy birthday to your mum. It was so lovely you got to see her before the lockdown started. x

  2. N needs a haircut really badly. He refused to go over half term, so had to do school photos with overgrown messy hair. Hopefully his uncle will cut it with clippers or I’ll have to trim the worst of it.
    Glad you got o see you parents before lockdown. Hopefully things will be more under control after 4 weeks.

  3. Lovely to see all six wives finished and together – they look amazing. Definitely something you should display. I’m glad you were able to celebrate your mum’s birthday before lockdown. It’s so hard not being able to see family. Glad that Chris was able to get the cylinder brush out of Anya’s hair without having to cut it. I’ve had that happen to me once and it’s not fun trying to remove it! The boys look very smart with their new haircuts. #project366

  4. Love your cross stitch, will you get them framed? Love the Asda photo montage, it’s great. oops to the barrel hair brush, have done that myself so I know how hard it must’ve been to remove it without scissors

  5. you wonder why your kids do daft things like that, glad it was recoverable.
    Love the cross stitch, I am the same trying to decide what to do with my quilt I made, possibly hang it on the wall.
    Nice to celebrate the birthday, I wont get to celebrate with any of mine next week.

  6. Well done on the cross-stitch they look great. I use to sew too and ended up with them in draws. It is something I would like to start again. Love the canvas it looks lovely. Glad Chris managed to sort her hair out without the need for the scissors and the boys do look very smart. We need to do that here… although neither is a fan of the clippers.

  7. Woah he had 6 wives??!! Your stitch work is amazing! Those photo shoot pics are amazing! I have the sam pics of me with my siblings and cousins. Autumn leaves looking great. You look so much like your parents. Happy birthday to your mum, I hope you get to meet them soon especially on Christmas. Loving Anya’s frizzled hair. Smart haircuts.

  8. Your Asda canvas looks great and the stitching, be nice to get that up on the wall too! Glad Chris managed to get it out without having to do anything drastic. That’s good you got to celebrate your mum’s birthday before lockdown part deux. Hopefully this one will do the trick as it would be nice to save Christmas.

  9. Oh I HATE those cylinder brushes!!! My hair grows thicker just looking at one! :/ Glad you managed to sort that problem out though! 😉
    The cross stitch is amazing, you cannot pack it away – definitely get it framed and hang up!
    That canvas is fab, what a wonderful photo shoot! I really should start displaying more images I take, just seems like a hassle so will check Asda photos out! Sim x

  10. Sorry for the stupidly late comments – I’m finally catching up ! The cross stitch looks amazing, you definitely have to put it out on show. The photo canvas looks great too – so many happy memories. Oh no, I apologise, I did giggle at the hair accident ! It’s always at the last minute when you don’t have time to deal with it ! The boys haircuts look great 🙂

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