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#Project366 2020 week 46

Day 313: Dad came around and used his garden vacuum to clear all the leaves from our tree but the next day the lawn was covered again!


Day 314: school photo time 😀

Day 315: so tacos are a thing in our house now after discovering them for Matthew’s homework a few weeks ago!

Day 315: we were sent some Twisty Girlz to review, a doll and jewellery in one!

Day 317: Anya has been practising her hair styling on me again!


Day 318: the kids went to bed but climbed in ours by mistake! The giggling gave them away…

Day 319: a cold wet day so made a taste from my childhood, spaghetti bolognese! (obviously vegan and gluten free these days!)


  1. I made spag bol this week for son and his wife, not something I enjoy now I’m gluten free as the alternative pasta is too sticky/chewy for my liking. Love the way Anya has styled your hair

  2. Lovely school photos, I am waiting for mine to come back hope its not too long 🙂 The colour of those leaves are fab, almost a shame to vacuum them away lol! But I guess they just keep coming back anyway! Great job with the hair styling Anya.

  3. The school photos look great. Love the pic of the cheeky monsters sneaking into your bed too ! Hmmm tacos, I missed out last week as the kids ate them while I was at work ! Vegan spaghetti bolognese sounds great – what did you use to make it ? 🙂

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