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#Project366 2020 week 8

Day 47: a happy family occasion! My cousin’s son was christened so it was a lovely opportunity to catch up with wider family

Day 48: urgh. Period time. Despite my lack of progress with being more eco friendly, one thing I did manage to do was buy some period pants and they are AMAZING! I wasn’t overly hopeful as they are so thin but they are comfy and held everything in. I even forgot I was on the blob sometimes. Brilliant

Day 49: my own little Moana!


Day 50: the cousins have descended on us! Here we are in Fleet on our way to a photo session at Captured Moment with my parents.


Day 51: fabulous fun with Funatic Foam. The kids adored this and have begged for it again each bath time since


Day 52: more fun, this time with the new Uni-Verse collectibles. The slime was pretty icky but the unicorn inside is sooooo cute (see my Instagram for what we got!)

Day 53: is there anything sadder than a PS4 controller that won’t hold its charge 🙁



  1. Lovely photo of your hubby and the kids at the christening.
    I’m glad the period pants are working out OK. I keep thinking about buying myself some as I don’t have periods often and when I do they’re quite light.
    What a wonderful Moana you have.
    I have read about that Funatic foam! It looks like great fun.
    Ahh! We have an xbox controller which seems to just run through the batteries. Ugh!

  2. Lovely to see you catching up with the family and the photo session sounds like a great idea too. Ahhh the Funatic foam brings back happy memories from when my kids were younger – times flies so fast ! I was intrigued to hear about the period pants as I was dubious about how well they work. Worth a try ! Ooh we’ve just bought a PS4 so I hope our controller works for a while before this happens. The kids would go spare ! lol

  3. Aww those are such lovely and fun photos. I’d love to do a photo session, it sounds like a great idea. Those foam things look great fun. My youngest would love them. Not sure about period pants, I have seen a few things about them recently and they seem like a good idea. xxx

  4. How lovely to spend time with your extended family over half-term. Lovely photo of the cousins together. Period pants are amazing – I’ve been using them for the last year and have yet to have any leaks with them. That bath foam looks like fun as does the Uni-verse unicorn. #project366

  5. I like the sound of the period pants. I wish they had been around a few years back as I’d have certainly tried them. The foam and the slime look fun. Nice to meet up for family occasions.

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