
My very own website!!! Yikes!

#Project52 2024 week 1

I have completed 5 years of Project365 but have decided to cut back this year. Looking back at the photos, my family have a lovely resource to remember the highs and lows of the last half a decade!
Instead of a photo a day, I will choose one weekday and one weekend photo to capture the essence of our week. I hope that this will continue to act as a wonderful memory keeper for me and my family but will be less onerous to complete.
So here we go!

Back to work and school for all of us this week. Luckily the kids has an INSET on Tuesday so enjoyed an extra day off. The rain has been relentless and Thursday was awful! Two weeks off with plenty of time to buy new ones but Matthew hadn’t told me his shoes were on their last legs but the rain finished them off!
Living my best life eating mince pies with vegan brandy cream for breakfast. Luckily I have 8 mince pies and 3 pots of cream to keep me happy!
See you next week 🙂

1 comment

  1. It is nice to look back on all the photos.
    Those shoes. Oh dear! Why do the kids never think of telling us about important things like holes in their shoes.
    hahaha! I had mince pies and Baileys cream for breakfast this morning. x

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