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April A to Z gluten free vegetarian treats: E is for egg custard tart

I am not a fan of hot custard but I love it cold! Is that weird?

I was inspired to try this recipe because I used to love custard tarts before I had my wheat allergy diagnosis. Me and my mum used to treat ourselves to one every couple of months. My great grandmother used to make an amazing homemade custard tart apparently.
In this version the base is more of a cookie dough than a pastry so I pushed it into the tin. I didn’t have any nutmeg, oops!

115g butter orĀ  margarine
75g caster sugar
1 egg
200g plain flour
2 eggs
50g caster sugar
1 teaspoons vanilla extract
250ml milk
nutmeg (optional)
Cream together the butter, the sugar and egg until smooth.
Blend in the flour to form a dough. You may have to knead by hand at the end.
Cover the bottom and sides of the tin with the dough.

Mix together the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract.
Gradually stir in the cold milk to fully incorporate.
Pour mixture over the base. Sprinkle over the nutmeg (if using).
Carry carefully to the oven!

Place in the oven at GM6 until the egg custard is set, about 45 minutes.
Take out from the oven and cool. Refrigerate when cool. Enjoy!

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