
My very own website!!! Yikes!

blogger event

Dancing the night away, noodles at 1am and Blog On Toys

Somehow almost 2 weeks has already passed since Blog On Toys. It was brilliant and sooooo inspiring, but to be honest, I’m knackered. I’m really feeling my age and have rediscovered muscles that I haven’t used in years. I left home last Saturday and headed north to Manchester. It was a real wrench to leave […]

What’s new at the Body Shop? VIP Blogger Event, Reading

I rarely go in to town to go shopping now I have children but during my teenage years and early 20s I was always in there and The Body Shop was high on my visit list each time. My first makeup came from there and I loved their Ananya and vanilla perfumes as well as […]

BlogOnX Introductions!

Last year I went to BlogOnXmas. It was the scariest thing I have ever done! But I had a fantastic time. The strange thing about meeting other bloggers is that you kind of know them but don’t. I recognised faces or voices and knew their blog names but their actual names escaped me! This year […]

Chocolates for Chocoholics Ultimate Chocolate Workshop

One of the highlights of blogging has been the broadening of my horizons and the challenge to try new things. As I showed yesterday for My Sunday Photo, this weekend I have attended a chocolate workshop, something I never would have tried due a lack of confidence in myself and my ability! I was invited […]