I had planned to postpone Wedding Wednesday posts this month due to taking part in Blogtober, but today’s prompt matches up quite nicely so I’ve decided to combine the two! This year Chris upgraded from boyfriend to husband, hurrah! Below is part of the speech I gave at our wedding: I want to tell you […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
#Blogtober18 day 1: all about me/one year on
Hello and welcome to the blogger challenge that is Blogtober. The idea is to write a post every day for the whole month of October. I managed it last year so fingers crossed I can do it again! So the first prompt is ‘all about me’ but as I did this last year, please look […]
Lessons learned from taking part in #Blogtober17 and #Vlogtober
October was a sensationally busy month. On the last day of September I discovered #Blogtober17 and decided to take part It wasn’t until halfway through the month I spotted the first 26 are the letters of the alphabet, doh! I also saw the term #Vlogtober floating around but there were not any prompts for that […]
Pinterest #Blogtober17 day 30
I have a problem with Pinterest. It is full of genius ideas, crafts, recipes, advice and so much more. It really isn’t me at all! I know some bloggers rave about how Pinterest generates traffic but I don’t think I have the right kind of blog for that. My pins aren’t pretty and eye catching. […]
Instagram #Blogtober17 day 29
I started Instagram on 1st March this year. I love seeing the range of styles that people use in their feeds. Mine are mostly family pics or pretty scenes captured during our time together. I have attempted to be arty a couple of times but I am a family blogger and want to stay true […]