2017 was the first time we’d got Christmas jumpers (well, long sleeved tops but I’ll get onto that in a minute!) and we will be reusing the same ones this year as they still fit! Actually, Zach’s was Matthew and Anya’s before him so I have got my money’s worth! I bought a Christmas jumper […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
#Blogmas18 day 13: top Christmas movies
Shock horror, but I am not a huge fan of Christmas movies! Die Hard (and 2) are fab as are Home Alone (and 2) but I would happily watch them at any time of year because I enjoy the action and comedy genres, not due to them featuring Christmas. Muppet Christmas Carol is brilliant and […]
#Blogmas18 day 12: stocking filler ideas
We keep the tradition that stockings contain small presents. This is what my parents and Chris’ both did: they wanted the credit for the big pressies and I can totally understand that after working hard all year to provide gifts that they will love. I think it is also more socially responsible as some children […]
#Blogmas18 day 11: Christmas Traditions
I’ve previously described our Christmas tradition of putting the decorations up around my dad’s birthday in mid December and then they would be taken down on Epiphany which was his sister’s birthday, a tradition from their own childhood. We have started our own tradition of a night time walk to look at the local Christmas […]
#Blogmas18 day 10: Christmas cocktails
I am not really a fan of cocktails any more (wine, it’s all about the wine now!) But Christmas simply wouldn’t be Christmas without a Snowball. The simplest way to make this is to mix together advocaat and lemonade in equal measure (or adjust to your own taste and need!) Of course, in this cold […]