
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Pass the Pigs: Christmas fun and competition!

Christmas is just around the corner and I’m thinking ahead to ways to survive the Christmas holidays! One game that will keep us all entertained is Pass the Pigs which I first saw at #BlogOnXmas. Warning: there are pig puns ahead… Pass the Pigs for Xmas! You’ll be snorting with laughter if you play with […]

Year in Review #Blogtober17 day 25

It is only October but the topic for today is a review of the year so I will have a look back at the past 10 months with a few choice highlights (or low lights!). JANUARY: Anya’s preschool bear FEBRUARY: a romantic date at our favourite restaurant for Valentine’s Day MARCH: pitta bread pizzas for […]

Holidays (Blogtober17 day 8)

With the half term holiday just around the corner, it seems like forever since the summer holidays! We had a wonderful family holiday this summer to the Isle of Wight. I last went with my parents 25 years ago so I had a few memories but we all approached this as a new adventure: the […]

IoW2017: The Carthouse, Shorwell

We spent ages trying to find somewhere to stay and eventually chose the Carthouse which we booked through Sykes Cottages although it can be booked directly through Westcourt Farm’s website. The Carthouse is just what it says! A former carthouse which has been converted and renovated to make an excellent family friendly place to stay. […]

IoW2017: Appuldurcombe House and back to Blackgang Chine!

Not content with Godshill and the Donkeys, we headed to the last of the English heritage sites on the Isle of Wight: Appuldurcombe House. It was absolutely amazing and the children were enchanted. Large parts of the house had been demolished to make it safe after it had fallen into disrepair and then been damaged […]