
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Monday 9th January: feeling old and young

Anya and I went to a birthday party yesterday. I was the oldest mum there. I also used to teach several of the other mums 10 years ago. I felt OLD. Then I got chatting to one of the grandparents and was thrilled when she said she thought I was the same age as the […]

Monday 17th October: I love you but…

Dear Zachary I love you. But I did not want to spend an extra 3 hours with you during the night for no apparent reason. Dear Anya I love you. But I did not need all your dolls in my bed this morning before 7am. Dear Matthew I love you. But I did not want […]

Monday 12th September 2016

Not even 7am and I’d already yelled “Anya, get your eyeballs off your brother!!!” You see, she has this weird eyeball thing where she tries to put her eyes on things and her baby brother is one of her favourites. Time to get ready for school. Matt and Anya refused to go to the toilet […]

Sunday 11th September 2016

So I survived the first week back at school and preschool. Zach hasn’t gone doolally just in my company. Matthew and Anya had a good time and have settled in well. Phew! Matt has had his hair cut at last so he is no longer resembling the lovechild of Wolverine and Chewbacca. Anya has started […]