I have already shared this photo on my post about Chris’ birthday but basically I am still buzzing about Star Wars three days later! There were so many thoughts and questions I had whilst watching which I then forgot about in my excitement 🙂 I guess we’ll have to go and see it again… Happy […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
#MySundayPhoto winter warmer
Outside the temperature is in minus figures so we are enjoying the roaring fire. I am feeling incredibly grateful for my home and family this weekend. On Friday I was in London and saw several homeless people. I hope they have found somewhere warm to shelter in this bitter weather and I hope they find […]
#MySundayPhoto: the class bear
Oh, the joy! Anya came home with the class bear this weekend (or is it a dog? difficult to tell…) Anya was absolutely thrilled. I was somewhat less so! However, this weekend we actually have plans so at least we have something to write about! Yesterday was the school Christmas Fair so good old Daisy […]
#MySundayPhoto well done Matthew!
Matthew’s teacher chose him to receive a certificate in this week’s celebration assembly for ‘striving to do his best at all times’. The letter was sent home a week ago and it instructed me not to tell Matt that he had been chosen and to attend the assembly secretly. I told him I was working […]
#MySundayPhoto trying to embrace the cold
This week has been quite cloudy and dull so I have been feeling a little glum. Over on my Instagram I have been looking back to summer to cheer myself up. Plus I have started wearing my new slippers to warm me up 🙂 I headed out into the garden on Friday which was sunny […]