Half term week! I have loved having all 3 kids home together this week and we have made the most of family time with Chris having a day off too! Day 42: Chris and I went to our first wedding fair to get some ideas and drink champagne! Day 43: Chris had the day off […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
#MySundayPhoto class assembly
This week was Matthew’s class assembly and Matt did an excellent job in introducing the topic. Not a hint of nerves! He was then in charge of the buzzer during the quiz section and ended the whole thing with a thank you to the visiting parents. Very proud mum!
#MySundayPhoto gluten free delights
Last weekend I went to the first London Blogging Event and experienced my first ever macarons: they were divine! In the goody bag there were some other gluten free, vegetarian treats and this week I have been enjoying them all (in secret so I don’t have to share with the kids, mum guilt… sorry, not […]
#Project365 week 5
The sleeplessness of last week has improved a little and Zach stayed in bed on his own for the whole night last night, hurrah! I’m relieved January is finally over, it just seemed to go on and on with relentless dreariness (although we have woken up to rain AGAIN today – poor little robin in […]
Supermoon superfan!
I can’t explain it, I really can’t but I have been obsessed by the moon in January. I was thrilled to take this photo at the start of the month using my Nikon B7200. I have always wanted to take a photo of the moon and finally I had achieved it! Last night’s super blue […]