So here we have the second week of Project 365 photos. We have got back into the school and work routine this week and things have been rather hectic! Day 7: last day of the Christmas holidays and we headed out for a McDonalds and then the neighbouring playground for a final treat. Day 8: […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
#MySundayPhoto moon!
I have already shared this photo as part of Project 365 Week One but couldn’t resist sharing it again as it has been my photographic highlight of the week! I can’t believe I managed to take the pic through our patio doors just using the zoom on my Nikon Coolpix B700. The moon is so […]
#MySundayPhoto the last day of 2017
So here we are, the last day of 2017. #MySundayPhoto this week is a picture of our family taken last Sunday on Christmas Eve. As you can tell, Zach isn’t keen on being included, and this extended to Christmas Day itself when he showed no interest in his presents at all! I have also included […]
#MySundayPhoto: the class bear
Oh, the joy! Anya came home with the class bear this weekend (or is it a dog? difficult to tell…) Anya was absolutely thrilled. I was somewhat less so! However, this weekend we actually have plans so at least we have something to write about! Yesterday was the school Christmas Fair so good old Daisy […]
#MySundayPhoto half term!
It has been a busy week and I can’t believe the kids are back at school tomorrow! (Note to self: better go and check there was no homework to be done…) The children loved having Grandma to stay and there may have been a couple of new toys 🙂 But most of all it was […]