Goodness me, the heatwave is hot! Which sounds daft but I’m sure it doesn’t usually last this long in the UK! Day 175: finishing up our weekend in Dymchurch with a trip to the funfair and I finally let Matthew and Anya go on the Twister, oh and me too! Day 176: after being cooped […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
project 365
#Project365 week 24
Hang on, I’m not in any of these pics! I have been working every single day this week so am quite knackered…zzz… Day 161: this is the photo I shared for last week’s #mysundayphoto Day 162: I enjoyed some time relaxing in the garden but this little bee kept busy! Day 163: when we visited […]
#Project365 week 23 back to school, food and Harry Potter!
Half term seems like so long ago already! Day 154: our one and only rose in the back garden! Day 155: Matthew and Anya are back to school so Zach has returned to his bossy persona or being the centre of attention OR ELSE…! Day 156: we have discovered Top Trumps and things are getting […]
#Project365 week 21: happy and sad family occasions
This week there have been some happy and sad family moments. Day 140: we headed to Gloucester for my great uncle’s 80th birthday. I love family occasions and the children adore each other. Day 141: Ollie wanted some peace and quiet in the garden but Zach had other ideas! The weather was grey and miserable […]
#Project365 week 20: a whole week of good weather!
What an amazing week! I have been working every day so am pretty knackered but the sun has kept me going! Plus the royal wedding at the end of the week to look forward to, yay! Day 133: Chris and I headed out on a date for an early anniversary and birthday meal at Bella […]