
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Novels (#Blogtober day 14)

Reading is such a magical thing. It can take you to new worlds, let you discover new people, places and events and most of all have fun. I am so proud of my children developing their reading, all 3 of them love books. Being able to share books from my childhood with my own children has […]

Favourite books (Vlogtober day 8)

I tried to narrow down my favourite books but it was too tricky! So here are a few choices from my own childhood, as well as modern books I read with my children. Then my favourite adult authors: are any the same as yours?

McDonald’s makes my little ones Happy Readers!

As a bookworm myself, I was shocked by the statistic in 2011 that almost a third of children do not own a book, however having worked in schools I believe it to be accurate 🙁 My own eldest, Matthew, had a number of books before he was even born and I read to him every […]

#ReadABookDay with the Pasta Kidz by Bryony Supper

Do you have kids aged 4-7? Do you like pasta in all its wondrous shapes? Then this series of books may be perfect for your family! While Matthew headed back to school yesterday, I had some time with Anya (Zach was having a nap) and as it was Read A Book Day and almost International […]

Harry Potter is 20 ??? !!!

Goodness I feel old… I arrived a little late to the whole Harry Potter thing. In fact, I think my grandparents owned the first couple of books before we did! I am a true fan though because I was there at midnight at the release of the final book (21st July 2007! wow, nearly 10 […]