
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Thankfulness in lockdown and the sad return of…

Sorry to be all “bah humbug” but there are actually some things that I am grateful for during lockdown and am DREADING resuming once lockdown ends. So to get started… Kids parties, soft play and playgrounds: ahhh the pressure to have fun! Manky soft play and the germs, outdoor playgrounds that are too hot or […]

Don’t panic! How to conduct home learning

These are uncertain times. No one has any idea how long self isolating and social distancing will be necessary. Some say weeks, others months. The important thing to note is that we need to encourage home learning, not begin home schooling. We should be supporting our children with their learning, not trying to teach them. […]

Oops, I joined the PTA!

School politics are a tricky business from the moment you start sizing people up on the playground at the start of Year R. I am sorry to admit that I am quite judgmental even though I try not to be, and have always considered the PTA to be saintly do-gooders, super mums who take everything […]

A crime to refuse vaccinations?

In the 1980s, author Roald Dahl reflected on the death of his daughter Olivia twenty years earlier. The open letter is quite devastating but the line that remains in my mind is : ‘It really is almost a crime to allow your child to go unimmunised’. It got me thinking: should we make it a […]