Some time ago I wrote about my commitment to exploring our local area. We have been to towns, attractions and historic sites and plan to keep on going! I was absolutely thrilled to be invited along to a bloggers’ breakfast at the new Lexicon in Bracknell. I have fond memories of Bracknell from my late […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
And just like that, the junior school adventure begins…
Somehow, summer is over. Apparently we have had 6 weeks off… The tummy bug at the weekend really knocked up for six so it has been a struggle. Further to my last post about panic, that was NOTHING compared to this morning. I was writing Matthew’s name in everything at 7.30 this morning. I was […]
Shopping extravaganza!
OK so the title is a slight over exaggeration, sorry! I love shopping but tend to shop online in order to avoid dragging the kids around the shops. This week though, I bravely took them out and here is what I got! Here is Anya herself wearing the Twilight Sparkle headband: In addition we also […]
Aldi’s summer fun on sale now!
Yesterday morning I had my delivery from Aldi of the order I placed last week. I love Aldi special buys and always check on a Thursday morning to see what the latest offers are. It is so easy to get bulky items delivered to your door for free! So today is the first day of […]
Clippasafe Walking Harness and Reins
Whilst out on our day out on Saturday, we got the chance to let Zach loose using his reins for the first time. The reins I had for Matthew and Anya were broken so I had to search for a new set. I picked these from Amazon. We got them out of the box the […]