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Aldi BB Cream and lip gloss

After the success of the Lacura skincare, I decided to try out make up from Aldi’s special buy as well. The BB cream comes in Light and Medium so I went for the light version. There were 3 shades of lip gloss to choose from. I chose nude but it was actually more of a […]

Aldi’s specialbuy Lacura skin care review

I will start off by saying I was a complete snob when I tried this. I had seen Aldi’s Lacura range in store before and thought there was no way a supermarket brand would compare with my own beloved Avon Vitale day and night creams. Aldi, I am sorry. I was wrong! Recently the specialbuy […]

Sheaqueous cream final thoughts and video!

Last month I was sent a sample pot of Sheaqueous cream to review, check out my initial thoughts here. So now after 4 weeks of application, I can give you my overall review… My skins feels a lot softer. My knees may not look better but they FEEL better and I am hoping that with […]

Sheaqueous cream by Sheabynature patch test and initial review

I have always suffered from eczema, dry skin, sensitive skin and allergic reactions so am well used to aqueous cream. I have also had to use it on all three of my children at some point or another. Anya had terrible eczema on her face when she was about 6-9 months old and we thought […]

Starting a make up routine, eeeek!

It’s no secret that I have been feeling a little dowdy, Just a mum, not me. 8 years ago I wouldn’t have left the house without make up on. What a difference having kids has made! I watched a video by Motherhood: The Real Deal which convinced me I could do make up quickly and properly […]