Day 208: after Anya’s 1:1 time on Saturday, it was now Matt’s turn. I spent 4 hours building and painting for his railway while he went on his Kindle upstairs on his own! Oh well, at least he was happy even if if wasn’t the time together I’d imagined Day 209: learning how to play […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
Summer 2020 bucket list
I hadn’t planned to write this post. After all, we have just endured 18 weeks of lockdown, so another 6 shouldn’t be too hard, surely?! Thursday, the first official day of the summer holidays, and boy, did it DRAGGGGGG! Time for my favourite thing: write a list! Here is what I want us to do […]
Goodbye summer and thanks for the memories!
Well, September is here, the kids start back at school so summer must be officially over. And what a summer it was! THINGS WE DID I am now a wife, woohoo! Grew new teeth (well, the kids did but still none lost!) Got a new phone and a plan with data Fed the dinosaur addiction […]
5 reasons to be excited about back to school
In less than a week, my three children will be back at preschool, infant school and junior school. Part of me feels a little sad that the summer has disappeared so quickly but I definitely don’t want to get caught up in the 18 summers panic that did the rounds at the start of the […]
#MySundayPhoto heatwave
Just 3 months ago it seemed like winter would never end. The snow and rain just kept coming! Now the heatwave feels like it will never end either! Bikini time again!