
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Daily nutrients, weight loss and more at the Vegan Supplement Store

Since becoming vegan, I have discovered that my eating habits are not what I thought. I used to graze (snack!) during the day but I find it more difficult now as I cannot have nuts and fresh fruit due to my allergies. Plus I was drinking about a pint of milk which kept me feeling […]

Sanctimonious vegan snobbery undermines the ethos of the cause

The Vegan Society defines veganism as ‘a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose’. Being vegan does not make you a good person. Yet there is a distinct air of superiority exuded […]

Diary of a vegan: day 1-5

  Let’s start off with my video diary of January 1st: Things got a LOT better as the days continued. Brands started replying to my messages so I was able to make informed consumer choices. Some companies were less helpful (Dolmio told me to check the ingredients myself! Errr… thanks I already did). The labelling […]

My first experience of shopping as a vegan

Getting myself all geared up for the new year and my attempt at veganism! I headed to the shops to see about starting to buy in different food and get myself used to labelling. It was incredibly frustrating! But I found some brilliant vegan food that I can’t wait to try! I am used to […]

The decision to go vegan

For a while now I have been having trouble justifying being vegetarian and not going one stage further and becoming vegan. I have decided to give it a try in the new year! I am giving myself a few weeks to plan menus, buy in ingredients and check what is already in my cupboards, and […]