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Juno, My Baby Elephant

Well, I think the prize for the cutest toy of the year will go to this one! Meet Juno, My Baby Elephant!

Anya was a little dwarfed by the box; well, it is an elephant!

When you first remove Juno from the box, put batteries in straightaway! These are not provided and we tried to interact with Juno and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working! Once the batteries were in, the little elephant came to life…
She starts off incredibly shy and hiding behind her ears. Stroking pressure points on the head and trunk as advised in the instructions develops a bond with your child and begins the friendship.

Juno comes with a peanut and little mouse to interact and play games with. It was such a surprise for us all the first time that she swung her trunk around!
The eye movements and capacity to blink make this so realistic, as do the movements of the head and trunk. Juno makes a range of vocalisations (have a look at the video at the end of this post and see if you agree with me about Juno blowing bubbles rather than farting as Zach claims!)
There are a whole host of games and tricks that children can instigate and ‘teach’ the elephant. These take time to develop and are fun for the children to check on progress and development of young Juno. She encourages nurturing behaviour as well as music and memory skills.

Aimed at children aged 5+ and with an rrp of £80, Juno is simply gorgeous. The purple grey tone to the skin is a lovely colour and I think the addition of the blue on the ears means that boys won’t feel this is too girly. The box does say the elephant is female, but in fact Juno could be either gender and encourages interactive play for boys and girls. All three of my children were desperate to get involved in playing! Zach needed to be more gentle especially as the trunk is quite delicate, hence the age suggestion of over 5s.

*I was sent this toy for the purpose of this review


  1. Very cute and reminds me of a cuddly toy I made when I was little and I think won a prize for too. Good that it helps children to learn although a bit of a steep price point for many families #GlobalBlogging

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